Smart Audio Processing Adapter
Link your calls with AI wave

Audio Processing device enabling 

- Real-time recording calls & audio data transfer
- Real-time monitoring call status and tapping
- Play-bank audio script file(PC) during call
- Easy, Real-time interface to available STT server

ZiBOX Solution introduction

Key Features of the Solution 

Moblie API 

Programmable control of CTI functions such as dialing,
receiving calls (CID), hanging, sending DTMF during calls,
volume control, mic mute using ZiBOX API

Integration with STT(Speech-To-Text) Solutions 

Real-time audio data transmission of either phone call or micro
microphone to interface with available STT solution

Call Recording 

All types of phones, including landline, IP phones,
and mobile phones, support stereo recording
with separated incoming and outgoing audio. 

Play-back audio file from PC 

Play-back any selected audio file during call
to hear a client listen to script audio.